
Voice from the Field

Justine Lennox, July, 2019

Fungicide on Soybeans and Corn

Despite the slow start, corn and soybeans in the area are looking good. With the wetter weather so far, many growers are considering a fungicide application on corn and soybeans. For corn, industry’s long-term research indicates a 7-8 bushel per acre yield advantage with applying a VT (tassel) fungicide, and NWC side by side trials, growers with a high fertility field, have seen 15 bushel + response. On silage corn, the results have been even more consistent. Not only does a fungicide application give you more silage yield, it also helps reduce toxins, and extends your harvest window. It is strongly recommended that growers with a good, healthy crop of corn, in a high fertility field, apply a fungicide at VT. For the 2019 season, NWC will have two high clearance ground applicators to apply the VT corn fungicide.
For soybeans, if the wet weather continues, white mould pressure could be high. If the summer proves to be hot and dry, applying Priaxor fungicide + KP Plus, has shown to alleviate stress in the soybean plant, resulting in less flower abortion and higher yields. If you have a white mould prone field, we would suggest sticking with the proven white mould suppressant fungicides such as Stratego Pro. If you have any questions about fungicide on corn or soybeans, or you would like to book your acres, please contact your NWC Crop Specialist.

Western Bean Cutworm (WBC) Watch Out

In 2018, Western Bean Cutworm (WBC) pressure was minimal in NWC’s trading area but it is still a pest that should be scouted. Despite its name, we are mostly concerned about WBC affecting corn yield and quality. It affects corn by laying its eggs in the upper leaves of the corn plant just prior to tassel. The eggs then hatch and the young larva feed on the pollen and silks of the corn. If left uncontrolled, WBC will continue to feed on the corn cob, which will then cause yield loss and a high chance of fusarium infection to set in. NWC field staff and crop specialists will monitor this pest throughout the corn tasseling period. If you have any questions, concerns or would like to be shown how to scout your fields, contact your NWC Crop Specialist.

Cover Crop – Cover that Ground After Cereal Harvest

Looking to plant a cover crop after your cereal harvest? NWC carries a wide range of cover crop options. Whether you are wanting some extra forage or want a crop to plow down or leave throughout the winter, we’ve got you covered. Please contact your NWC Crop Specialist to go over which cover crop will work best on your farm.

Soil Sampling—Book your Fields Now!

Contact your NWC Crop Specialist to book in your farms for soil sampling. Taking samples after your cereal crops are off is often the best time to do it. It is advised to take soil samples from your fields every 3 years.